Payment Plans Available.
Interest-free payment plans for only $78.20 per week for 50 weeks.
Course Overview
The qualification CHC40221 – Certificate IV in School Based Education Support is referred to in industry as the Cert 4 Education Support or your teacher’s aide course. Education support workers assist teachers and support student learning in a range of primary and secondary classroom settings under the guidance of a teacher or other educational professional. To complete the Cert IV Education Support, the individual must complete at least 100 hours of work in a classroom environment catering to primary or secondary school students, within at least one approved school.
Campus Locations
Job Outcomes
Potential career outcomes could include:
Education Assistant.
Education Support Worker.
Teacher Aide.
Support Worker.
Home Tutor.
Multicultural Worker.

Study Method
- BlendedBlended delivery - both online course content and partial face to face requirements
- In-classIn class delivery - predominately face to face course content conducted at a specific location
- OnlineOnline delivery - online course content with the exception of assessments and work placement
- VirtualVirtual Delivery - Live and interactive classroom-style learning conducted completely online

- Victoria
- Melbourne
Duration and Study Load
We have 3 options for how you can undertake this course:
Classroom-based: Face-to-Face Theory + Practical Skills (average duration 10 months)
Class-based Blended: Online Zoom classes + Practical Skills (average duration 10 months)
Self-Paced Model: Online Theory + Practical Skills (average duration 6-12 months)
Course duration is up to 12 months depending on the delivery model selected and student commitment.
Class-Based Models
These are delivered in the classroom or via live Zoom over 26 sessions.
22 X 5-Hour Theory Sessions
3 X 6-Hour Classroom-Based Practical Skills Sessions
1 X 8-Hour First Aid Class
100 hours of practical placement (can commence in group 3)
1 X 2 Hour Assessor Workplace Visit
Recommended 15 hours of self-paced learning per week
Self-Paced Model
Self-paced theory – study plans available for a 6-month fast track or 12-month standard duration
3 X 6-Hour Classroom-Based Practical Skills Sessions (book after theory for each group is completed)
1 X 8 Hour First Aid Class
100 hours of practical placement (can commence after all theory assessments & skills have been completed)
1 X 2 Hour Assessor Workplace Visit
RPL and credit transfer can further reduce the duration of the course. The course structure and duration have been informed by both the learner cohort needs and industry feedback.
This course is divided into 3 groups plus practical placement.
Group 1 – Working safely in a school environment
6 theory assessments
1 x 6-hour practical skills session
1 x 8-hour first aid class (this can be completed at any stage throughout your course)
Group 2 – Facilitating student learning
5 theory assessments
1 x 6-hour practical skills session
Group 3 – Facilitating student learning
5 theory assessments
1 x 6-hour practical skills session
Practical Placement
Complete 100 hours in approved Australian primary or secondary school
1 assessor workplace visit towards the end of your placement hours
Onboarding Session – Self-paced students
To commence your course you will book an onboarding session with an Education Support trainer. In this session, they will show you how to use the systems, navigate our learning management system, submit assessments, and seek help. They will explain your desired study plans and provide you access to your first group of units.
Self-Paced Students – Booking Practical Skills Sessions
Practical skills sessions will generally always be held at our West Melbourne Campus, only 400 meters from North Melbourne train station. Generally skills sessions will be programmed during the Victorian school holidays, however, additional sessions may be available throughout the term.
You can only attend the class if you have completed all theory assessments for the group.
Student Support Class-based
Assessment feedback is provided by your assessor via Canvas our LMS when assessments are submitted
In-class support with your trainer
Student Support Self-paced
Onboarding session at commencement
Assessment feedback is provided by your assessor via Canvas our LMS when assessments are submitted
You can request 1 x 1 -hour Zoom help session per month with a trainer for extra support
Entry Requirements
18 years of age and over
Complete a pre-training review & language literacy and numeracy test (entry AQF level 3)
Obtain a Working With Children Check (WWCC) prior to undertaking placement
Ability and time to travel to and from practical placement and skills sessions (Placement must be in Victoria)
Self-motivated and organized to complete this course as a self -paced model
Have access to a computer and the internet
Intermediate digital literacy skills (navigate the internet, use word, upload and download, make online bookings, complete online assessments on a learning management system, use email)
Work Placement
Practical placement is on-the-job training that you undertake during your course. This is a fantastic opportunity to practice the skills you are learning in the classroom in a supported manner.
This course requires placement of 100 hours in an Australian primary or secondary school. Placement times will generally be Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4pm, however these could differ from school to school.
You will require your own mode of transport to get to and from shifts at the school. You should meet current industry vaccination requirements.
At the end of your placement, a trainer and assessor will conduct a workplace visit and observations.
MCFE can provide support to help you find a placement, if after 3 attempts you have not found a suitable school. MCFE placement schools will be within Metro Melbourne and limited to schools we have regular contact with.
Travel Fees
Fees are charged for practical placement visits greater than 50km from head office address West Melbourne. Visits are limited to Victoria locations.
This excludes classes delivered in regional areas, specifically to regional students.
$3 per kilometre over 50 kilometres from head office address. Charged for travel 2 ways.
Plus, if applicable
Visits 300 kilometers plus from head office address extra $150 accommodation fee
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) and Credit Transfer (CT) are available. Costs may apply, refer to the statement of fees and charges on our website.
17 x theory assessments (short answer, multiple choice, case studies and projects)
4 x practical skills observations (includes first aid)
Logbook of 100 hours of practical placement
Workplace Tasks /Project
Workplace Observations (Completed by your assessor in the workplace visit)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) and Credit Transfer (CT) are available.
Students that use AI in their assessments risk withdrawal, please refer to our student handbook.
All learning content and assessments are on Canvas our Learning Management System (LMS).
Total number of units = 17 (13 core units and 4 elective units)
About Melbourne College of Further Education
Melbourne College of Further Education (MCFE) is a small and trusted RTO with over 20 years’ experience in training, supporting and inspiring students to succeed in their chosen pathway. We believe in real skills for real jobs, we take the extra time to customise our course materials and create new and innovative ways of delivering course content.
As a Registered Training Organisation [RTO] qualifications completed with MCFE are recognised nationally. Qualifications achieved through the Australian VET system are also very highly regarded internationally. Our mission is to provide pathways into industry to contribute to a successful, skilled and innovative workforce.
MCFE offers high quality training both face to face and via a blended online model, offering students options to undertake our courses in a way that best suits their lifestyle.
Our trainers are dedicated and highly qualified with extensive practical industry experience and committed to providing quality outcomes to our students and ensuring that all training is both engaging and an enjoyable experience.
Our student support team are extremely passionate and committed to helping students succeed. They are always on hand to help with any questions and provide students with the support they may need to complete the course satisfactorily, especially if circumstances change.
Melbourne College of Further Education is a trading name of iAscend Polytechnic (RTO 21340)