The Australian College of Physical Education

Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE) is Australia’s leading sport education provider that is renowned for its specialist accredited degree and diploma programs.
Since our story began in 1917, many students have become respected and admired sport professionals. ACPE’s work-ready experience placements, unit delivery with industry experts, Elite Athlete Program, and Scholarships are just some of the ways we help students reach their fullest potential and achieve a sustainable long-term career.
We outshine our competitors based on the Quality Indicators of Learning and Teaching (QILT) Student Experience Survey, which is run by the Government. This is important because it tells you what our current students have said about their experiences at ACPE.
Compared to other universities and education providers, ACPE is rated in the top 15 for the overall quality of the student experience in 2021. We achieved a 94.4% rating for teaching quality, 88.5% for the quality of the overall student experience, and 92.9% for student support – significantly ahead – making ACPE the leading provider of sport, health, and dance courses in Australia.
Located at Sydney Olympic Park, we are surrounded by sport organisations and industry partners presenting opportunities at our doorstep. We are FEE-HELP approved and not ATAR dependent. Turn your passion for sport into a career. Why go anywhere else?
ACPE CRICOS provider code (01822J)