Get Course
About Get Course
Get Course and our team, help connect you with courses that can make a difference in your life.
We focus on building connections with Registered Training Organisations, and Vocational training specialists who can provide nationally recognised qualifications but also have a study now, pay later system.
What this means is we are able to get you into a wide variety of courses that are funded by the government with the V.E.T FEE help system, so you can start working towards a new life without the out of pocket expenses.
So it doesn’t matter if you are in between jobs, or only have a part time job, you can afford to start studying towards a career you will love.
Many of our courses can also be used as stepping-stones to get you into university. So even if you were one of the many people who didn’t get a chance to go to uni, many of the courses we have create a pathway to help you get into uni when complete.
Get course teams up with select education providers to help you get into that course you’ve always wanted, on your terms, so you can make that change today.