Courses in New South Wales
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Top Result
Graduate Diploma in Management
Blended, Online, Virtual
Duration: 8 months full-time study
Structure: Online or Blended.
Online learning provides flexibility and convenience, which is great for anyone constrained by time or distance. You can complete your qualification when it suits you and at your own pace.
And studying online doesn’t equate to studying alone. You’ll have access to unit introduction videos, regular webinars and our unique virtual campus. This state-of-the-art online learning management system offers a ‘community’ approach to self-directed study where you can share experiences, ideas and questions through integrated features such as chat forums, live chat, and links with social media platforms.
Blended Learning
If it suits you better you can take a blended learning approach, mixing face-to-face and online options to suit your situation at any given time. There are no restrictions on which study option is chosen and you can switch between them as needs dictate.
Note: Availability of the Blended learning approach is dependent on the unit and location
Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Mackay, Melbourne, Moranbah
Not Accredited
Graduate Certificate in Management
Blended, Online, Virtual
Duration: 4 months full-time study
Structure: Online format or Blended.
Delivery :
Online learning provides flexibility and convenience, which is great for anyone constrained by time or distance. You can complete your qualification when it suits you and at your own pace.
And studying online doesn’t equate to studying alone. You’ll have access to unit introduction videos, regular webinars and our unique virtual campus . This state-of-the-art online learning management system offers a ‘community’ approach to self-directed study where you can share experiences, ideas and questions through integrated features such as chat forums, live chat, and links with social media platforms.
Blended Learning
If it suits you better you can take a blended learning approach, mixing face-to-face and online options to suit your situation at any given time. There are no restrictions on which study option is chosen and you can switch between them as needs dictate.
Note: availability of the blended learning approach is dependent on the unit and location
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney
Not Accredited
Project Management Fundamentals
In-class, Virtual
2 Days
Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Not Accredited
People Leadership
3 Days
Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney
Not Accredited
New Leader
In-class, Virtual
2 Days + 12 Months of Online Resources
Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Not Accredited
Mini MBA
In-class, Virtual
20 Hours Online + 2 Days On-Campus Workshop
Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Not Accredited
Mastering Project Management
In-class, Virtual
3 Days
Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Not Accredited
Finance for Non-Finance Managers
In-class, Virtual
2 Days
Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Not Accredited
Is Sydney expensive for students?
Sydney is one of the most expensive cities in Australia (next to Melbourne in Victoria). Weekly rent averages at $860, and the cost of living tends to be higher than in other Australian cities. However, you’ll find rent is a lot cheaper in regional NSW, averaging between $240 to $370 depending on the property.
The student housing market is also very competitive in Sydney, so it’s a good idea to get in touch with your study institution and check availability, as well as get their accommodation recommendations.